Heritage Walk Route
Heritage Walk This short walk 3.5km (2 miles) is on roads and good tracks. It is mainly on the flat but there is a long climb up to the Kirkhill from Eskbridge. Start at Town Hall (Cowan Institute) go down the High Street. See on left vennell leading to Delft Brae (now closed), the original route to Valleyfield. On right the Old Well, the original piped water supply to Penicuik. Turn Left into Bridge Street. On right Thorburn Terrace where French prisoners of War shouted 'Bawbee Penicuik, Cauld Kale and Soor Dook' as they left the town. On left down hill ornate Parkend, designed by Pilkington to house single girls working at Valleyfield. Known locally as "The Nunnery". Before the bridge, cross Bridge Street to see the original Bank Mill buildings now Loanhead Engineering Works. Look up to see Pomathorn Mill. Go down Valleyfield Road. See Left Valleyfield School (private house) built in 1822 for Mill children. Visit on left French Prisoner of War Memorial and Interpretation Board. Return to route. See the Railway Walk Interpretive Board at the footbridge. Continue with the river on your right, passing the old sewerage works then onto the Eskmills mill lade. See Interpretive Board at the Railway Bridge. Continue along the railway track, opened in 1872 with Eskmills site on your left. At the site of the Eskbridge Station look ahead to see Harpers Brae, the birthplace of the Bertrams brothers who founded Bertrams (Sciennes), leave the railway walk and cross the Esk Bridge (1770s). |
Climb up Eskmill Road and Kirkhill Road, see former weaver's houses, later used to house Eskmill workers. At the top of Kirkhill, see on right Penicuik Cricket Club, founded in 1844. Continue down Kirkhill Road. Visit on left, graveyard. See the crypts of the Clerk family and the papermaking dynasties Cowan and Brown. See, earliest papermaking gravestone on rear wall of Church. |